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Teaching dogs how to live with humans
About Me

Meet Kass

Hi there! I'm Kass Bowden and I am an obedience and behaviour modification dog trainer located in Harrow, Ontario. Nothing impresses me more than a human and a dog communicating as if the dog actually understands your language. My ultimate goal is to provide training to both you and your dog so you are able to teach your dog how to properly live with you. The jumping, counter surfing, door darting, lunging at other dogs, taking food out of your hand, are some examples of what is completely inappropriate in my books. I would love to help you learn how to communicate with your dog so we can teach the behaviours we want from them, and eliminate the unwanted behaviours. When we decide to own a dog the most important part (other than keeping it alive) is to teach them how to live in a human world. Its only fair!



I often hear people tell me "my dog listens sometimes". This problem stems from issues with your relationship. To have the ideal pet and K9 companion we want our dogs to look at us for guidance and direction. Teaching a dog to do something is simple, but training them to do something when they don't want to is a little more complicated. Let me help you strengthen your obedience and develop proper communication between you and your dog.

What is Obedience?

By definition obedience is 'compliance with an order, request, or law or submission to another's authority'


It is our job as dog owners to keep our dogs and everyone else around them safe. We can achieve this by having control over our dog(s) by teaching obedience.

What do you mean "Do something they don't want to? I would never make my dog do anything they don't want to" - Anonymous

What I mean is... To come when called, so they don't run away, approach a dog or person that they shouldn't, or get hit by a car. To leave something alone, like chocolate, a dead animal, or anything that can cause harm to your dog. To "stay" on command, this command can be used to protect or keep your dog away from something. Lastly, to walk correctly. Walking doesn't have to be a chore where you are holding your dog with all your might on a walk so they don't run away or pull you into traffic. Your dog should be able to walk nicely next to you so you both can enjoy it. That's what I mean by "Doing something they don't want to" or stopping something they want to do. 


The 5 Commands






Leave it





5 commands is all it takes to have full control over your K9. At a minimum, all dogs should know these commands very well. These are my 5 mandatory commands to keep you, everyone around you, and your K9 safe.

The methods I use have been proven to be effective on all breeds at all ages. Whether you just want to teach your puppy the basics, have an older dog that is developing unwanted behaviours, or dealing with serious aggression issues, I am here to help. I want to teach you how to teach your dog how to live with you.


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